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DAKAM Books 
Contemporary Issues in Architecture and Urban Design

DAKAM has been publishing academic books in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and architecture with an interdisciplinary perspective since 2011. The recently launched Architecture and Urban Issues Series aims to deal with contemporary issues, challenges, and discussions with high academic standards. As part of the series, Call for Book Chapters will be announced to invite scholars from different parts of the world to contribute to DAKAM's CI Series. All books will be double-blind peer-reviewed and include several authors. 

Architecture Series Editors:

Yıldız Aksoy, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Efe Duyan, Senior Lecturer Dr.

Çapa 1



1. Architecture and Innovation: Design, Building, Structure​

2. Gender and Architecture: Feminism, Design, Discrimination

3. The Pandemic: Cities, Architecture, Landscape Design

4. History and Theory of Architecture


Design, Building, Structures

Chapters on Architecture and Innovation are expected to focus on the new trends and frontiers in architecture. Architecture renews itself in terms of structural, aesthetical, and functional aspects that correspond to the needs of every age. Unlike artistic creativity, innovation in an architectural sense has to be evaluated differently as an object of use in social life. The innovation might include technical, design, manufacturing, management, and commercial aspects related to presenting a new (or improved) product. In other words, innovation, as a novel idea bringing an added-value, is an enterprise tool, in which change is used as an opportunity. Originality, on the other hand, the quality of being special and not the same as anything else, opens up a discussion of how an original architectural move relates to the context, history, and cultural background. Original and/or innovative, new social demands and new technological apparatus challenges architecture every moment by calling out the creativity of the designer.

Within that scope, the concepts of innovation, originality, and creativity will be brought into focus. The research and new technologies in architecture will also be put on the agenda. Furthermore, not only the 21st century but also the new approaches in history will be brought into the spotlight. Case studies, new research results, and theoretical works are welcomed.



Artificial Intelligence

Computational Design

Kinetic Architecture

BIM in Design, Virtual Construction, and Facility Management

Internet of Things

Environmental Simulation and Energy Analysis

CFD Analysis

Digital Fabrication Methods

Smart and Responsive Buildings

​Neuroscience and Architecture




Robotics, Automation, and Prefabrication

New-Sustainable and Ecological Approaches and Applications

Self-Assembly Materials and Shape-Memory Alloys

New Use of Concrete, Glass, Metal

Advances in Lighting, HVAC, and Facade Systems

Building Automation Systems

Self-Healing Materials


Thermoelectrics, Photovoltaics



Innovation in History

Design and Originality: Case Studies

New Urban Design Trends​ and Contemporary Urban Issues

Critical Approaches

Innovative Architectural Offices and Projects

Architectural History Revisited

Architectural Theory
Restoration and the Understanding of the Heritage

New Design Processes 

Integrated Research and Design

Issues related to Architectural Practice and Public Policy

Design Education

Futurism, Utopias and Dystopias

Video games and movies

Çapa 2


Feminism, Design, Discrimination

Over the last several decades, feminists and architects have independently developed critiques of modern Western assumptions and cultural practices. The book address gender in relation to architectural discourse and critical theory, focusing on the relationships between sexuality and space hidden within everyday practices.

The book will focus on the discrimination of women to illustrate the historical and contemporary obstacles and pre-given roles. The political and social movements in relation to design and cities will be taken into consideration. On the other hand, design throughout history has been profoundly shaped and enhanced by the creativity of women; as practitioners, commentators, educators, and commissioners. But in a narrative that eagerly promotes their male counterparts, their contributions are all too often overlooked. The book will also bring the contribution of women designers into the spotlight.



Architecture and Feminism

Matriarchal Architecture

Women in the History of Architecture

Women and Creativity

Mechanisms of Separation

Power Structures and Hierarchies

Discrimination by Design and History of Architecture

Cities and Gender Issues

Social Roles

Urban Spaces


House, Household, and Women


Biological and Social Differences

LGBTQ studies

Political Movements and Women Rights

Sexism and Star system

#MeToo Movement and Architecture

Care and Childcare


Prostitution, Sexual Assault, Violence

Depression, Psychology, and psychoanalysis

Feminist Pedagogy and Gender in education


Cities, ​Architecture and Landscape Design

During the COVID-19 era, all world cities have gone through unexpected processes, in which everything from the economy to social policies, from management styles to production relations, from lifestyles to personal relations have started to be discussed and transformed.

During the pandemic process, a new-normal has begun: Working from home, online education, online meetings, social distancing, and travel restrictions have merged with the psychological depression, health issues, and expected economic crisis. Reconsidering the layout and design of urban spaces during the pandemic has added new responsibilities to architecture, landscape architecture, planning, and design professions. Given that the cholera epidemic was detected and taken under control by examining water supply maps and sewer infrastructure data in London, the spatial analysis and solutions will also play a big role to control the COVID-19 pandemic and to live with it. The green and public areas as well as houses and workplaces (not to mention the health facilities) will play an important role in our during- and post-pandemic future. For that reason, the chapters “Pandemic: Cities, Architecture and Landscape Design” will be of crucial importance in terms of tackling the current design challenges.



Green Areas during and after the Pandemic

Landscape Gardening in times of Isolation

Beaches, parks, squares

Urban Analysis and Planning in the fight against the pandemic

The Social-Distancing Protocol and Innovation in Design

New Workplaces

New Homes

Digital Spaces

Health Care Facilities

Politics of the Pandemic

Psychology during the pandemic and Architecture

Public Transportation and Streets


Historical perspectives and theoretical engagement have been crucial sources of inspiration for designers throughout the centuries. History and theory also opened doors to several fields in humanities and social sciences. The architectural history and theory chapter aims to reflect on design artifacts, designs, and practices within the framework of specified cultural and societal themes. Key areas of research are architectural history including heritage studies, architectural theory, philosophy of design, social context and architectural criticism. Historians and theorists are invited to focus on architecture as a basic act of culture by mobilizing relevant theoretical concepts.


History of Architecture and Cities


Philosophy of Design


Heritage and Restoration

Theoretical Approaches

Criticism and Architectural Texts

Journals and Publications

Interdisciplinary Studies

Arts vs. Architecture

Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkiye

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