Contemporary Issues in Architecture and Urban Design
DAKAM has been publishing academic books in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and architecture with an interdisciplinary perspective since 2011. The recently launched Architecture and Urban Issues Series aims to deal with contemporary issues, challenges, and discussions with high academic standards. As part of the series, Call for Book Chapters will be announced to invite scholars from different parts of the world to contribute to DAKAM's CI Series. All books will be double-blind peer-reviewed and include several authors.
Architecture Series Editors:
Efe Duyan, Senior Lecturer Dr.
Speical Call
Space, Perception, Function
The significance of the observer’s view in architectural discussions might be brought back to Baumgarten’s striking introduction of the term aesthetics in his Meditations on Poetry. It was Baumgarten’s efforts bringing together the object of thought and denominating aesthetics itself as sensible cognition. In the 19th century, supported by the developments in biology and psychology, the architectural experience took a somatosensory turn, as Wölflin’s groundbreaking thesis illustrated how architectural forms can invoke emotion. Shortly after, the rise of Phenomenology transferred the spatial awareness into the subjects’ grasp, both in cognitive and somatosensory ways. Husserl's subject, das Ich-Zentrum, appropriated the space as the perceived space in the outside world, die Ding-welt, as a transcendental act, while Merleau-Ponty portrayed the bodily movement as the production of the ever-changing architectural space in his Phenomenology of Perception. Following the lead of architects and scholars, who put an emphasis embodied experience such as Neutra in his Survival Through Design, Steen Eiler Rasmussen in Experience of Architecture and Norberg-Schulz in Meaning in Architecture, Juhani Pallasma recently defined the atmosphere as a sixth sense as a total perception of the space in close connection with architectural design supported by cognitive neuroscientific breakthroughs. Yet, the perception and body as the founding elements of architectural space got historically little attention from the architectural practice, which rendered the individual experience mostly as irrelevant to the creative process of the design object.
On the other hand, another thought of school going back to Newton’s absolute space embraced the mechanical description of the use to fulfill the functional needs on a scientific basis. The function has been the main concept of modern architecture and as a problem solver, the architects molded the function throughout modern architectural history. Yet, it is related to human activities, movement, and perception. Additionally, the well-being and psychological states are considered part of the functional agenda, too. How the architects today define the function and integrate it into the design in relation to the user?
The chapters onExperience in Architecture will bring the concepts of perception, memory, function, and user into the spotlight. Case studies, research and theoretical text, and multidisciplinary works about the experience are welcomed.
User Experience
Function and Form Relationship
Functional Arrangements, Limitations, and Originality
Neuroscience and Neurophysiological Measurements
Cognitive Psychology
Emotions and Space
Perception and Senses
Body and Movement
Visual Composition: Light, Color, Texture
Case Studies
Computation and digital design
Genius Loci and New-Regionalism
Organic Architecture
Memory and Space
Design for the User/İnhabitant
Traditional Architecture
User-centered approaches in history
Theory of Architectural Experience
The creativity of the architect and designer